Surds: Questions, Steps, Examples & Worksheet


  • Surds are an important part of mathematics that many students find challenging.
  • Surds play a crucial role in expressing exact values, particularly in geometry and algebra.
  • They provide a means to represent square roots without relying on decimal approximations, allowing for more accurate mathematical calculations.

In this article, we will discuss:

  1. What is a Surd?
  2. Explore Surds – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplying, Division and Rationalisation.

Here is one more link to practice a few extra questions: Maths Genie Surds Questions

What is a Surd?

  • A surd is a square root or any root that cannot be simplified to a rational number.
  • Surds are represented by the symbol and are commonly found in mathematics and physics.
  • The most basic example of a surd is the square root of 2 (√2), which cannot be expressed as a fraction of two integers.

Surds - Addition and Subtraction

  •  Adding and subtracting surds can be tricky, but there is a simple rule to follow.
  • To add or subtract surds, the terms inside the roots must be the same.
  • For example, we can add 2√2 and 5√2, but not 3√2 and 2√5.

Let’s consider the following example:

Surds - Addition and Subtraction

To simplify this expression, we first add and subtract the terms with the same root, giving:

simplifying surds

Simplifying further, we get:

how to simplify surds

Multiplying Surds

  • Multiplying surds involves multiplying the terms outside the roots and the terms inside the roots separately.
  • For example, to multiply √2 by √3, we multiply 2 by 3 to get 6 and then take the square root of 6.
Multiplying Surds
  • Also, the part with Surd is multiplied with Surd and the integer part is multiplied with the integer part:
  • For example:
how to multiply surds

Let’s consider the following example:

Surds Multiplying Example

To simplify this expression, we use the distributive property of multiplication, giving:

Surds Multiplying answers

Simplifying further, we get:

how to simplify a surd

Surds Division

  • Dividing surds is similar to multiplying them, but we need to take the reciprocal of the divisor and then multiply.
  • For example, to divide √2 by √3, we first take the reciprocal of √3, which is 1/√3. Then, we multiply √2 by 1/√3 to get (√2 / √3) = √6/3.

Surds Division

Surds Rationalisation (Simpler)

  • Sometimes, we need to simplify an expression that contains a surd in the denominator. This process is called surd rationalisation.
  • The simpler method involves multiplying the numerator and denominator by the surd in the denominator.
  • For example, to rationalise 4/√3, we multiply the numerator and denominator by √3, which gives:

Rationalisation Example

Surds Rationalisation (Higher)

  • The higher method of surd rationalisation involves multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the surd in the denominator.
  • The conjugate is the surd with the opposite sign between the two terms. For example, to rationalise 1/(√3 + √2), we multiply the numerator and denominator by (√3 – √2), which gives:

Surds Rationalisation (Higher)

rationalise a surd

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Solved Example: 

Question 1: Rationalise the denominator of the fraction: (5√2) / (2 – √2)


  • Step #1: Multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator,

we get:

[(5√2) / (2 – √2)] × [(2 + √2) / (2 + √2)]

  • Step #2: Simplifying the expression, we get:

[(5√2) (2 + √2)] / [(2 – √2) (2 + √2)]

[10√2 + 5 × 2] / (2² – √2²)

(10√2 + 10) / 2

5√2 + 5

Question 2: Rationalise the denominator of the fraction: (1 + √3) / (2 – √3)


  • Step #1: Multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator,

we get:

[(1 + √3) / (2 – √3)] × [(2 + √3) / (2 + √3)]

  • Step #2: Simplifying the expression, we get:

[(1 + √3) (2 + √3)] / [(2 – √3) (2 + √3)]

(2 + √3 + √3 + √9) / (2² – √3²)

(2 + 2√3) / 1

 2 + 2√3

Practice Questions

Question 1: Rationalize the denominator: (2 / (√5 + √3)).

Answer :

Question 2: Rationalize the denominator: (3/(√10 + √2)).

Answer :

Worksheet on Surds

Question 1: Simplify √12

Question 2: Rationalize the denominator: (2/√3)

Question 3: Rationalize the denominator: (3/√2).

Question 4: Rationalize the denominator: (1/(√7 + √3))..